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SnSe 硒化錫晶體 (Tin Selenide)

簡要描述:In the bulk form SnSe has band-gap at around 0.9 eV (indirect) and 1.25 direct gaps. It has layered structure (lamellar) with weak interlayer coupling, enabling to isolate down to monolayers.

  • 產品型號:
  • 廠商性質:生產廠家
  • 更新時間:2024-06-03
  • 訪  問  量:1083


In the bulk form SnSe has band-gap at around 0.9 eV (indirect) and 1.25 direct gaps. It has layered structure (lamellar) with weak interlayer coupling, enabling to isolate down to monolayers. Each monolayer is four atoms thick (Se-Sn-Sn-Se) that is roughly 0.9-1.0 nm. At high pressures it undergo semiconductor to superconductor transition. More recently, SnSe has been shown to display world record performance for thermoelectric material efficiency.

SnSe single crystal characteristics

In the bulk form SnSe has band-gap at around 0.9 eV (indirect) and 1.25 direct gaps. It has layered structure (lamellar) with weak interlayer coupling, enabling to isolate down to monolayers. Each monolayer is four atoms thick (Se-Sn-Sn-Se) that is roughly 0.9-1.0 nm. At high pressures it undergo semiconductor to superconductor transition. More recently, SnSe has been shown to display world record performance for thermoelectric material efficiency.

SnSe single crystal characteristics




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上海巨納科技有限公司 公司地址:上海市虹口區寶山路778號海倫國際大廈5樓   技術支持:化工儀器網
  • 聯系人:袁文軍
  • QQ:494474517
  • 公司座機:86-021-56830191
  • 郵箱:yuanwenjun@sunano.com.cn

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